Composite poli-lapping plates are made of at least one metal or ceramic
powder and resin bond. Liquids which are soluble in oil or water are suitable as
well as mono or polycrystalline diamond grit. The advantages of polycrystalline
diamond are better results in polishing and clearly reduced processing times. Characteristically for these tools is getting a more homogeneous processing structure. In comparison to polishing pads, a higher degree of flatness can be achieved with shorter processing times. By request we also offer you homogenous plates made of lead, tin, antimony, copper or aluminium. Upon
request we are pleased to make a special quotation.
possible grooving: ungrooved, radial groove, spiral groove
CP-1 Super strong
completely metal free very hard (87 Shore D)
applicable for lapping and polishing of ceramic workpieces
suitable for the prevention of contamination with metal
all diamond grit sizes are suitable
CP-2 High removal
hard (86/87 Shore D)
for rough processing
fast stock removal with metal materials
very good flatness
very high tool life
alternative to cast iron plates
for pre-processing severely warped workpieces
CP-3 High finishing
medium hard (85 Shore D)
one-step roughing and finishing
recommended for metal, ceramic, etc.
medium to fine diamond grit
CP-4 Soft
soft (79 Shore D)
for processing carbon materials
achieves very good surface finishing results
CP-5 Super soft
very soft (78 Shore D)
very good finishing
recommended for processing of steel
recommended diamond grit 0-2 μm
CP-6 Super soft
very soft (78 Shore D)
for processing carbon materials
achieves very good surface finishing results with mechanical seals
recommended diamond grit 0-2 μm
CP-7 Super soft
very soft (78 Shore D)
very good finishing
recommended for processing of steel and ceramics
recommended diamond grit 0-1 μm
CP-8 Allrounder
medium hard (85 Shore D)
recommended for processing any materials
ideal for a service centre with a wide variety of materials
very good surface finishing results for aluminium oxide and silicon carbide materials